AUCTION: Tractor, Equipment, Guns, Furniture, Household Items
Sunday, December 8th at 1 pm
Sparks, OK
Location: 348839 E 980 Rd Sparks, OK. From the intersection of Hwy 18 and Hwy 66, South of Chandler, go 7 miles south on Hwy 18 to Hwy 18B, then East on 18B 4.7 miles and continue North 1 mile on blacktop to Broadway Ave, then go 1 mile East on Broadway to 3480, then go 1.1 miles South on 3480 to 0980 rd, then go east .9 miles on 0980 rd to sale site. Watch for signs
John Deere 3020 Dsl tractor, 3 pt, pto, good sheet metal, running when parked
Massey Ferguson 240 dsl tractor with Massey 232 loader, 3 pt, pto, running when parked
Farmall C tractor with Woods belly mower
Allis One Ninety XT LP tractor, needs motor repair
Allis One Ninety XT dsl tractor, needs work
John Deere 1326 disk mower conditioner, cutting when parked
John Deere 430 Round Baler, Baling when it left the field
Rhino 3 pt 4 wheel hay rake
3 pt 6’ disk
Taylorway 3 pt finish mower, model 3172
PTO post hole digger
3 pt box blade
Frontend loader bale spike
3 pt bale fork 3 pt harrow
Ford 3 pt 216 plow
2 small pipe racks
3 pt bale spike
3 pt dirt scoop
Bumper pull tandem axle trailer frame, 6’x16’
Pickup bed trailer
John Deere 1326 disc mower conditioner for parts
Drag brush hog
John Deere 3 pt 316 plow
Small creep feeder
Allis side delivery rake
54 GMC ¾ ton pickup to restore
76 Chevy Nova to restore
Mid 80s Chevy 30 1-ton pickup with flatbed, 6.2 dsl, running when parked 8 years ago
Mid 70s GMC ¾ ton pickup for parts
Mid 70s Buick century for parts
79 Chevy ¾ ton pickup for parts
80s Mercury car for parts
Marlin model 336 lever action 30-30 stamped JM
Remington model 1100 semi-auto 12 ga shotgun
Stoeger 12 ga side by side shotgun
2 pellet guns
Cub Cadet RZT zero turn lawn mower with 50” cut and 26 hp motor, new starter, new blades, and serviced
Lincoln shield arc 200 portable welder on 2 wheel trailer
Portable log splitter with 5 hp motor
2 outdoor loveseat swings
Lawn and garden chemicals
Electric pressure washer
Shop fluids
4 window air conditioners
Shovels rakes and hoes
LP smoker
Chains and boomers
Lots of hardware
Garden tiller
2 wheel string trimmer
2” water pump
220v extension cord
Electric repair supplies
70s bumper pull camper trailer
70s pickup bed camper
50+ T posts
6’x8’ dog pen
Antique Riverside granite wood burning stove
4 wheel wagon with iron wheels
Frigidaire side by side fridge/freezer with ice and water in the door
Chest deep freeze
Oak dining table and 4 pattern back chairs
Oak cabinet with leaded glass doors
Pots and pans
Cast iron skillets
Everyday dishes
Deacons bench
Twin adjustable bed
Washer and dryer
Antique upright piano with column accents
Victrola cabinet record player
McCoy wishing well planter
Cobalt blue and Ruby red glassware
Collectible dolls
Small roll top desk
Chest of drawers
Croquet set
Tubs of collectibles
Well pulley
Cream can
Owner: Harold Webb