ESTATE AUCTION: Hunting, Guns, Shop Tools & Equip
Sunday, November 4th, at 1 PM
AUCTION LOCATION: From the intersection of Hwy 377/99 and Hwy 9 in Seminole, go 2 miles North on 377/99 to EW 1200 Rd., Then go East ½ mile on EW 1200 to sale site. Watch for signs.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Due to the passing of Fred E. Guild, his widow has made the decision to sell the following absolutely to the highest bidders.
10’ bumper pull 2-wheel enclosed trailer
6’ X 10’ bumper pull 2-wheel utility trailer
Smith & Wesson 38 special CTG revolver, stainless, ser 95703
Smith & Wesson mdl 14-3 Special CTG 38 cal revolver, ser 1K40603
Smith & Wesson D.A. 45 cal revolver, ser 177580
Ruger Bearcat 22 cal revolver, ser 91-52704
Tri-Star L120 NKC-MO, CANIK 55 9 mm, ser 13AF00227
Marlin 30/30 lever action mdl 336CS, ser 17048575
Remington mdl 700 308 cal bolt action, ser 6573477
Remington Custom mdl 700, 22-250, barrel blueprinted, trigger has crisp 2.5 pound pull, Boyd stock, bedded, bolt squared and blueprinted, lugs, factory new barrel has been crowned, Leupold bases, ser G7117752
Marlin Original Golden 38-AS 22 cal lever action, ser 06092337
Remington mdl 581 22 cal bolt action, ser 1245784
Winchester mdl 75, 22 cal bolt action with scope, 512-01-2792 engraved on barrel, ser 8871
Remington mdl 11-87 Premier Grade 12 ga, ser PC462840
Remington mdl 870 Wingmaster 12 ga pump, ser S505963V
Mossberg 12 ga mdl 835 Ulti-Mag, ser UM419078
Connecticut Valley Arms 50 cal black powder pistol, ser 0037475
Red Wing Recurve bow, 58” RW 18140, 42#
Blackhawk Heritage Series takedown bow, 60# pull
Leupold VX-2 scope, 12 x 40
Bushnell Elite 3200 scope
Bushnell Sportview scope, 3X-9X
Ammo including 30-06, 243, 270, 40 cal, 30-30, 22-250, 38 special, 9 mm Luger
20 ga & 12 ga shotgun shells
Tipton gun vise
(2) range shooting tables
Plastic gun rest
Caldwell shooting gun rest
Ammo cans
Reloading supplies
Lincoln Shield Arc SA 250 welder, 230 volt ac, 110 volt ac, runs good
Stone 40 4’ power trowel w/ Honda motor
Felcker PCS11 walk behind concrete saw w/ 13 hp Honda motor
Snap-On heavy duty Road Chest tool box on casters with 2 upper boxes, 1 with 10 drawers, 1 with 12 drawers, lower with 13 drawers
Snap-On, Craftsman & Proto end wrenches
Snap-On click type torque wrench, ½” drive, 250’ lbs mdl TQR250A
Snap-On sockets & ratchets
Proto 3/8” torque wrench
Snap-On socket style hex wrenches
Snap-On compression tester
Proto compression tester
Snap-On diesel timing gauge
Snap-On hammer puller
Proto hammer puller
Snap-On air drill
Snap-On 12 v impact wrench, 3/8” drive
Snap ring pliers
Specialty automotive & diesel mechanic wrenches, some Snap-On
Proto crows feet
¾” drive sockets up to 2 ¼”
Large end wrenches up to 2”, Snap-On, Proto & others
Impact sockets
Bar clamps
Finish nailer
4’ box shop fan
Proto 20” adjustable wrench
Screw drivers
Electrical supplies
Channel locks
Vice grips, nippers, pliers
Bolt cutters
Crescent wrenches
Wobble sockets
Tape measures
Pipe tongs
C clamps
Breaker bars
Drill bits
Easy outs
Taps & dies
Allen wrenches
Snap-On extensions
Hole saws
Pop rivet Gun
Bottle jacks
Halogen leak detector
Pipe wrenches
Threaded insert tool
Impact wrench
External easy out
Small tap & die set
Heligauge set
Retaining ring assortment
Curved Snap-On wrenches
Snap-On impact wobble sockets
Proto impact sockets
Tubing bender, hand held
Gasket punch set
Bushing & bearing driver set
Craftsman extractors
12 v electrical supplies
Bench top parts washer
Bluepoint screw extractor set
Sunnen cylinder hone set
Hardware cabinets
Draper caliper
NSK dial gauge set
Air conditioning gauges
Other dial gauges & measurement devices
Bluepoint digital probe
Electrical testers
Heavy duty steel welding table w/ lower storage
Ratchet straps
Cherry picker
Torch parts
Dualfast framing nailer
Snap-On mdl MT470 high impedance volt meter
Magnaflux machine
1” drive air impact
Victor oxy/acet gauges
Angle grinder
Benchtop drill press, ¾” chuck
Proto 3 drawer roll around tool chest w/ upper & lower box, 17 drawers
Misc. hardware
Brass fittings
Lots of acet torch tips
Pin gauges
Inside & outside calipers
Carburetor supplies
Cast iron parlor wood stove
Multiple drawer hardware cabinets
Black & Decker miter saw
MAC tools mechanics cart
Radiant heater
Kerosene blast heater
Folley Belsaw sharpener, ser 2102903, w/ grinding discs
Craftsman 10” radial arm saw
Craftsman 10” table saw w/ cast iron deck
Material rollers
Craftsman routers
Belt sanders
Chains & boomers
Rigid 36” & 24” pipe wrenches
Craftsman 4”x6” belt disc sander
Tool boxes
2-wheel dolly
Griswald No.8 waffle iron w/ stand
Router table
Come alongs
Sledge hammers
Work light
Craftsman bench grinder on stand
Reciprocating saw
Inside truck tool box
Welding rod
DC-AC converter
Craftsman rolling tool box
Archery supplies
Arrow dial gauge indicator
Minnkota trolling motor
Clay pigeon thrower
Sorel arctic boots with liner
Pop up dog house blind
Camo bags & hunting apparel
Lots of fishing rods & reels
Shummano TLD25 salt water reel
Lots of fishing tackle
Casting net
Hunting & camping supplies
Camp stove
Fishing gear
Craftsman 8 hp chipper/shredder, needs work
Older Craftsman riding mower
Cast iron pot
Antique pogo stick
Throwing ax
20” push mower
Hand crank ice cream freezer
Cubicle office station with desk
T-post driver
Arctic Gear coveralls
Lead melting pot & sinker molds
Husqvarna 51 chain saw
Tackle boxes
Trotline reels
Owner: Fred E. Guild Estate