AUCTION: Tractors, Trailers, Ag Equip, Cattle
Saturday, April 13th 10:00am
Chandler, OK
AUCTION LOCATION: 344529 E 930 Rd Chandler, OK. From the intersection of Hwy 18 and Hwy 66, at the south edge of Chandler, go 2 miles south on Hwy 18 to E 930rd. Then go 1 ½ miles east on E 930rd to sale site. Watch for signs.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Randy Martin is selling out of the agricultural business and will sell the following well cared for items absolutely to the highest bidders without reserve.
2004 Massey Ferguson 471 cab tractor with MF 1050 loader, joystick, dual remote hyd., heat & air, bale spike & bucket, only 1968 hours
1964 Ford 2000 tractor, 3 pt, pto, gas, runs
2017 Delta 20 ft stock trailer, slick and clean, like new
2016 E Z haul gooseneck in-line bale trailer, 32’
2016 Priefert squeeze chute model S04, side gate, palpation cage
2016 Priefert cattle sweep/tube mdl SS-15, extra gate, like new
A & A chute scale w/ digital screen, model VS-2000
Rhino 3 pt 5’ brush hog
3 pt 5 ½’ box blade
Woods 3 pt 7’ brush hog
(4) round bale feeders
(2) mineral feeders
(3) water tanks
(14) 12’ 7-bar cattle panels, 6’ tall
(4) 16’ cattle panels
(4) 10’ cattle panels
(2) 5’ walk through gates
10’ gate
(2) electric fence chargers
(2) solar fence chargers
2-ton portable bulk feeder
5-ton portable bulk feeder
(6) 10’ poly troughs
L & H freeze branding iron number set, used only once
Callicrate smart bander, like new
Cattle worming & vaccinating tools
Industrial pressure washer, model 2203CWH
Old lighting from Chandler’s airport runway
Shop made bucket mounted bale spike
Small creep feeder
3 pt bale spike
(3) electric water tank heaters
Cattle hot shot
55 gal plastic drums
Push lawn mower
Garden tiller, doesn’t run
Wood burning stove
1994 Chevy S-10, not running
(25) black Angus cows ranging from first calf heifers to mature cows, most with calves on the ground
6 black Angus heifers ready to breed this spring
1 mature black Angus bull and 3 young black Angus bulls ready for service
2 steers ready to finish for butchering
Special addition from Natural Resources Conservation Services:
5’ Greenscape Conservation seeder, native grass box, small & large seed boxes
10’ pasture punch aerator
4’ sprigger, 2-row
Wylie 500 gal pasture sprayer w/ booms
GN flatbed trailer 20’ + 5’ dovetail, tandem axle, needs floor
Full pallet of new OK brand 2 point barbed wire
Full pallet of new t-posts
4” Honda water pump with intake hose (new)
Myd-Han-D 4” 12v auger
Cut-off saw
