Auction: 80 Acre Recreational Property
SOLD! This 80ac property sold at auction on Sept. 7th to the high bidder at $154,000.
AUCTION EVENT: Collector Cars, Automobilia, and More!
AUCTION EVENT Saturday, July 29 at 10 AM In the FireLake Arena - Shawnee, OK IMPORTANT NOTE: We are providing auction services for...
ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Tractor, Jeep, Harley, Equipment
ABSOLUTE AUCTION Sunday, July 30 at 1 PM Chandler, OK AUCTION LOCATION: 343432 E 850 Rd., Chandler, OK. From the intersection...
ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Equipment, Tools, Backhoe, Saw Mill, More!
AUCTION: Saturday, August 5 at 10 AM in Cushing, OK - Equipment, Tools, Backhoe, Saw Mill, Truck, Trailers, more
ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Tractor, Ag Equip, Tools, Riding Mower, Barber Chair, More!
ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Sunday, August 6 at 1 PM in Cushing, OK - Tractor, Ag Equip, Tools, Riding Mower, Barber Chair, More!
ESTATE AUCTION - Sunday, July 16 at 1 PM inYale, OK - selling Equipment, Tools, Guns, More
Auction: 40AC and Home in Wellston SOLD!
Auction: 40AC and Home in Wellston Selling Without Reserve Thursday 6:30pm, July 13th
ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Equipment, Tools, Hot Tub, More
ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Sunday, July 23 at 1 PM, in Chandler, OK, selling Equipment, Tools, Hot Tub, More
Absolute Auction: Equipment, ATVs & More
No Reserve AUCTION: Saturday, June 24th at 10 AM - 1017 S. Little, Cushing, OK - Real Estate, Tractor, Mowers, Tools, Household, Antiques, M
Auction: Real Estate, 2013 Harley Davidson & More!
Auction: Real Estate, 2013 Harley Davidson & More! Sunday, July 9, 1PM in Cushing, OK